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Apple Maps launched alongside the original iPhone in 2007. Initially, it relied on map data from Google. But in 2012, when the two companies became smartphone rivals, Apple was forced to find an alternative data source.

Opting to build its own map platform in-house, Apple attempted to replicate a product Google had developed over many years in a matter of months. Unsurprisingly, the results were not perfect. Users around the world reported bad directions, missing landmarks, and bizarre visual glitches.

The fallout from the Apple Maps launch led to a rare apology from Tim Cook, and the departure of one of Apple’s most indispensable software engineers. But with the benefit of hindsight, the wisdom of Apple’s move into mapping has become clear. It enabled Apple to compete head-on with Android, and kickstarted Cupertino’s move into services.


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The Verge report stating Apple’s deal with Google still had a year to run when Apple scrapped it:

Tim Cook’s apology letter (via the Internet Archive):

New York Times article on the brawl between Apple and Google in 2010:

Wall Street Journal report on Apple’s acquisition of C3 Technologies from Saab:

Cult of Mac on firing of Richard Williamson:

Scott Forstall tells the story of his interview with Steve Jobs at NeXT:

Adam Lashinsky’s Inside Apple: